What is the Test Right Prep Course pass rate?

Over 80% of our students pass the Self Insurance Administrator's Examination the first time.

We guarantee you'll pass. What is the Test Right Guarantee?

CertificateTake the Test Right Prep Course and the Self Insurance Administrator's Examination. If you don't pass, repeat the course for a nominal fee (currently $99.00). To qualify you must provide us with a copy of your test results and repeat the course within twelve (12) months.

What is the Test Right cancellation and refund policy?

Cancellations will be accepted up to five (5) working days prior to the selected class date, less a forty ($40.00) service charge. There are no refunds for cancellations less than five working days prior to the course.

Can I transfer from one class to another?

Transferring from one class to another is considered a course cancellation and a new registration.

What time does the class start?

Registration begins the first day of the class at 8:00 a.m. The class starts promptly at 8:30 a.m. both days. A continental breakfast will be served both mornings and refreshments will be served both afternoons.

What time does the class end?

Class ends at approximately 4:00 p.m. on both days.

What should I bring with me to class?

Please download and bring a copy of the Schedule for Rating Permanent Disabilities
(April 1997 version and January 2005 version), a hand held calculator, note paper and highlighting pens.

Will I receive something verifying I have completed the

Test Right Prep Course?

Yes, we send or provide a Certificate of Completion to all students who complete the two-day Test Right Prep Course.

What happens to my email?

SecureTest Right is committed to respecting your online privacy and recognize your need for appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable information you share with us. We do not share your email information with anyone and will use it only to contact you.

Will I receive a confirmation after registering for the class?

Yes. If you register online you will receive an instant confirmation followed by an email confirmation from us. If you register by mail we will send you an email confirmation. If you don't have email we will mail you a confirmation.

What is the most efficient way to register for the class?

Online registration is the quickest and most efficient.

I am trying to register for the Prep Course and am unable to

register online.

The class may be closed or full. Please email us the details at sipexam@sbcglobal.net.

Can I register for the Prep Course by fax?

No, we do not accept fax registrations.

My company is paying for me and it may take time to issue

payment. How do I make sure I have a place in the class I


Many companies pay or reimburse students for registration fees for the class. In order to make sure you have a spot if your company has approved your attendance and is issuing payment please have your supervisor, manager or someone else authorized to do so email us an authorization for you to take the class. Please include a telephone number and email so we can get in touch with that person to verify if necessary.

Do you have group or multiple student discounts?

Yes, multiple student discounts are available for registration in our class. Students must all register at the same time to receive discount. Contact us by email with your specifics.

What should I wear to the class?

Dress comfortably. Business casual attire is recommended.

What about parking?

Some Prep Course locations charge a nominal fee for parking which is your responsibility. Check with the hotel at your site for specifics. We do not validate parking.

Are there any breaks during the Prep Course?

There is a short break midway through the morning and afternoon sessions. We break at noon for one (1) hour for lunch and resume the afternoon session at 1:00 p.m. You are on your own for lunch.

I am unable to download the Test Right Registration Form and

the two Schedules for Rating Permanent Disabilities.

Do I need special software?

Yes. You will need to install the Adobe Acrobat Reader software to view the files. Adobe Reader software is FREE and is the global standard for electronic document sharing. It is the only PDF viewer that can open and interact with all PDF documents. Use Adobe Reader to view, search, digitally sign, verify, print, and collaborate on Adobe PDF files.


Is it safe to register for the Test Right Prep Course online?

Yes it is. Because the security of your personal information is our highest priority, we have taken numerous steps to ensure that it is processed confidentially, accurately and securely. The Test-Right.com website uses encryption technology, specifically Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), to protect your personal information during data transport. SSL encrypts ordering information such as your name, address and credit card number. Our Course Registration kiosk also operates over a private, secure network.

What is PayPal?

PayPal is how individuals and businesses send and receive money online. PayPal is an account-based system that lets anyone with an email address securely send and receive online payments using their credit card or bank account. It is the most popular way to electronically pay for eBay auctions and it is becoming a cheap way for merchants to accept credit cards on their on-line storefronts instead of using a traditional payment gateway.

Do I need a PayPal account to pay for my registration?

No. Test Right has the PayPal Account Optional feature turned on, so creating a PayPal account is not required to complete your registration. However, if you would prefer to pay with PayPal in the future, you can sign up for an account after checkout. To send a payment, follow these steps:

  1. Click Proceed to Checkout to begin checkout from our PayPal kiosk.
  2. Fill in the information needed and continue with your payment.
  3. Make sure all the information is correct.
  4. Complete the payment.

Is PayPal safe to use?

Super SecureVery safe. PayPal protects your financial information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. When you use PayPal, your financial information is not shared with Test Right. Once your payment is complete, you will be emailed a receipt for this transaction.

How do I register for the Self Insurance Administrator's

Examination and what is the fee?

You can register online at https://candidate.psiexams.com or download and print the SIA Registration Form and mail it with your $120.00 Registration fee. Payment can be made in the form of Master Card, VISA, money order or cashiers check. Please make payable to PSI Services LLC. Personal checks, company checks or cash will not be accepted.

Other Information

You can take this test on computer. Kindly note that this is not an open book test. Reschedule two days in advance before 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. Cancel two days in advance before 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. Schedule one day in advance before 4:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. NOTE: NO personal items are to enter the testing center. PSI will not be responsible for any personal items and suggests that you leave them locked in the trunk of your car.

Detailed PSI Testing FAQ's can be found at https://candidate.psiexams.com/faqs/faqs.jsp

*Test-Right.com is in no way affiliated with the Office of Self Insurance Plans (OSIP) or PSI Examination Services.


Test Right Prep Course




September 17 & 18, 2024

October 29 & 30, 2024

December 3 & 4, 2024